xcnt - EEG/MEG Raw Data Viewer



EEP 3.1  Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience 1996-99
xcnt 3.21   (OSF1 V4.0 alpha)                 Wed Sep 15 13:30:15 1999
  xcnt <cnt> [<trg in>] [<rej in>] [<cfg>] [options]

  -r <reref cfg>  enable rereferencing
  -f <fir>        enable FIR filtering
  -G <changrp>    load this channel group file
  -p <cmd pipe>   create a remote control pipe


xcnt is a X/Motif based cnt file viewer. It allows EEG/MEG raw data inspection and interactive manipulation of trigger and rejection marks.



The effective initial xcnt setup results from this configuration lookup/load sequence:
  1. Default display-related settings are loaded from the resource database using the standard mechanism for X/Xt programs.
  2. User specific display-related settings are loaded from your personal xcnt resource file (Options - Save Options), if any.
  3. Project/file specific settings are read from the configuration files, which are passed as command line arguments or found automatically.

Configuration File

The xcnt-configuration file (default name "xcnt.cfg") is meant to store project-specific settings as channel scalings, the initial set of channels in the display etc. This configuration file is optional. You can create one via File - Save Configuration As... and adapt it to match your needs.



Some more permanent display options can be saved from within xcnt (Options - Save Options). They are stored as standard X resource lines in ~/.eep/xcnt.resources. For xrdb gurus: these resources are written with full qualifiers and read after all other resources with lowest priority.


Loading Data

You can load data only via command line arguments. You must supply at least a cnt file. The other stuff is optional but recommended to load. There is no load functionality in the xcnt menus.

Locating Time Points

You can locate a specific time in your record with the horizontal scrollbar, with scrolling keys, by entering a start time or with a lookup function. In detail:
Scrollbar page increment/decrement, Cursor Down/Up, Page Down/Up:
+/- 90% of the displayed window
Scrollbar increment/decrement, Cursor Right/Left:
+/- 40% of the displayed window
record start/stop
Trigger Right/Left arrow button or key "t"/"T":
locate next/previous trigger
(comma-separated lists of max. 32 triggers are allowed in the trigger fields)
Rejection Right/Left arrow button:
set cursor #1 to the start of next/previous rejected epoch, cursor #2 to it's end

Manipulating Control Data

You can set/clear trigger points and rejection epochs with the corresponing buttons in the control area (rejections with the "r" and "c" keys too). Triggers are deleted only if the correct code is entered in the textfield and if cursor #1 is at the correct sample position.

xcnt displays a warning if you try to leave it with unsaved changes.


The Options menu offers, among others, these display control facilities:

Signal preprocessing and rendering:
User interface details:
The Channels menu offers the selection of Channel Groups as described below:

EEP 3.1 - MPI/ANT(eeprobe@ant-software.nl), 15.09.1999
Copyright © 1996-99 Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. All rights reserved.
0.3 max:0.6 ampl_axis unit:uV scale:1 pos:0.0 min:-5.0 max:5.0 time_div step:0.2 len:1 fmt:"%.1f" ampl_div step:1 len:1 fmt:"%.0f"


  width:  width of the area covering all diagram parts (in mm)
  height: height of the area covering all diagram parts (in mm)
  sel:    channel/file selection
  fmt:    printf format string for diagram label output("%s")
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the label string plot
  unit:   unit string (e.g "uV" or "fT")
  scale:  size of the unit above in terms of xavr base units 
          (s for time axis, avr data units for amplitude axis)
  min:    value of left or lower edge of diag (in axis units)
  max:    value of right or upper edge of diag (in axis units)
  pos:    axis position (in units of the other axis)
  l...:   linestyle parameters for the axis line
  fmt:    printf format string for unit string output("%s")
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the unit string 
          (text origin is the upper/right axis end point)
  step:   spacing between division lines (in axis units)
  pos:    position of a single division/marker line (in axis units)
  len:    length of the division lines (in mm, 0 means whole diagram)
  align:  alignment of division lines relative to axis line
          ("center", "left", "right", "top", "bottom")
  l...:   linestyle parameters for the division line
  fmt:    printf format string for (float) value output ("%.3f")
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the value string
          (text origin is the lower/left endpoint of the division line)
  state:  enable/disable the running ttest prob. diagram("on" or "off")
  height: height of the diagram (in mm)
  min:    start point for probability drawing(in time axis units)
  max:    end point for probability drawing(in time axis units)
  state:  enable/disable the prob. greyscale bar ("on" or "off")
  height: height of the greyscale bar (in mm)
  min:    start point for probability drawing(in time axis units)
  max:    end point for probability drawing(in time axis units)
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the greyscale legend of the 
          "scale" template (evaluated in PostScript only)
The default label position is (0;0) (lower-left corner of the diagram). The x-offset is fieldwidth, the y-offset is fieldheight, and the alignment is top-right. This means that the label appears in the upper right corner of the diagram field.

Axis division values are not permitted to cover axis lines and the spacing between division lines must be larger than 3 * division linewidth. Otherwise, nothing is drawn.

The probability axis of the semilogarithmic t-ttest diagram is hard-coded (min:1 max:0.001). Linestyle parameters are inherited from time/ampl axes. Divisions lines (ttest_div) are possible with pos only, not with step.

Map Templates


[map template]
name         default
field        width:60 palette:bluered
time_axis    unit:s  scale:1 fmt:"&C: %.3f .. %.3f %s" tsize:2 ty:5
ampl_axis    unit:uV scale:1 min:-5.5 max:5.5
ampl_div     step:1 lw:0.2
outline      lw:0.2 
sensors      size:1 
legend       height:5 width:40 fmt:"%+.1f"


  width:    width/height of the square covering all map parts (in mm)
  palette:  color palette for amplitude (z-axis) encoding
            (the name of an own map palette or one of
             the predifined palettes "bluered","grey","mapview",
  sel:      file selection
  mesh:     for debugging; toggle drawing 0f the triangle mesh (0 or 1)
  unit:   time unit string ("s" or "ms")
  scale:  size of the unit above in terms of xavr base units (seconds)
  fmt:    format string for map label output
          (printf placeholders for tmin, tmax and the time axis unit and
          ERP attribute placeholders)
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the label string
          (text origin is the map object position)
  unit:   amplitude unit string ("uV" or "fT", "z" enables 
  scale:  size of the unit above in terms of average data units
  min:    amplitude value assigned to the lower end of the color scale
  max:    amplitude value assigned to the upper end of the color scale
  step:   the amplitude range represented by one color
  l...:   linestyle parameters for the iso... lines 
          (0 means no isolines)
  l...:   linestyle parameters for the outline polygon
  size:   diameter of the dot which represents the sensor pos. (in mm)
  fmt:    printf format string for sensor label plot ("%s")
  t...:   textstyle parameters for sensor label plot
          (text origin is sensor position)
  l...:   linestyle parameters for sensor dot plot
  height: height of the color scale legend
  width:  width of the color scale legend
  fmt:    printf format string for min/max amplitude values ("%.1f")
  t...:   textstyle parameters for min/max amplitude values

Map Palette


A [map palette] section describes a sequence of colors which can be used in [map template] sections.

The first line defines the name of the palette. This line is optional. A palette without a name is used for all maps.

It is followed by a list of <color> [<coordinate>] pairs, where <color> can be any valid X color specification and the optional <coordinate> is the relative position of the given color (0.0 - minimum, 1.0 - maximum) in the generated palettes.

The actual palette colors are computed by linear interpolation of the red/green/blue components between these given supporting points. (Eventually, your display hardware gives you only approximations of the requested colors. You need to look at the final PostScript output then.)


[map palette]
name strange
rgb:00/f0/00  0.0
rgb:00/00/f0  0.2
rgb:00/00/ff  1.0

[map palette]
name bluered

Legend Template

The [legend template] section instructs xavr to create line and text objects which together form a legend. This way you have a dynamic legend which explains the current view without any interaction. This can be disabled in the Options menu.


[legend template]
headline    fmt:"Legend:" x:230 y:100 tsize:4.5
avr_entry   fmt:"&C (n=&N)"           tsize:3.5 len:6
diff_entry  fmt:"&s4 &c - &S4 &C"     tsize:3.5 len:6


  fmt:    legend headline string
  x:      position of the legend headline text
  y:      position of the legend headline text
  dh:     horizontal distance between entries (in mm), default:0
  dy:     vertical distance between entries (in mm), default:-1.4*fontsize
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the legend strings
  fmt:    legend format string, subject to 
          ERP attribute expansion
  len:    length of the sample line segment (in mm)
  t...:   textstyle parameters for the legend strings

Style Template

The [style template] assigns individual linestyle parameters to selected trace lines in time series diagrams. It overrides the trace_line parameters in the [global defaults] section and the color which is stored in the avr files. It is overridden by the interactive trace style settings.


[style template]
trace  sel:"&C=rare"     lcol:red  ldash:dotted
trace  sel:"&C=/^freq/"  lcol:blue ldash:solid lw:5
This would plot all ERP's with the condition label "rare" using red-dotted lines and all ERP's with a condition label starting with "freq" using 5mm-thick blue-solid lines.



The [objects] section defines the drawing elements. If you want to see a diagram/map/line... in your drawing, you need to add a line to this list.

Since xavr allows interactive modifications of objects, it has to reflect such changes into the list. For this reason, whenever you have made such changes and enter the Edit - Configuration... dialog, xavr looks for the [objects] keyword in the file, throws away all stuff that follows and creates a completely new object list from the current internal state.

Therefore, the [objects] section has to be the last section in the file and should contain no special user formattings or comments!

Some object lines are generated as comments. Currently, this are the objects which form the legend. Since they are generated dynamically at each data loading time, it is not necessary to load them at layout creation time. If you are not satisfied with the automatic legend, you can comment out the [legend template], uncomment the legend objets and adapt them as needed. After this you have a static legend in the drawing.


text       x:148.00 y:185.00 txt:"Page Title" tsize: 8.00 tah:center
diagram    x: 38.00 y:126.00 tpl:default lab:FZ     
diagram    x: 38.00 y: 58.00 tpl:default lab:PZ     
maplegend  x:176.34 y: 26.46 tpl:default
map        x:172.00 y:108.00 tpl:default tmin: 0.200 tmax: 0.400 file:1
map        x:172.00 y: 38.00 tpl:default tmin: 0.200 tmax: 0.400 file:2


  y:      coordinates of the lower left corner of the diagram (in mm)
  tpl:    name of the assigned diagram template
  lab:    diagram label, the diagram will show the data for this channel
          if no sel:... is specified
  sel:    file/channel selection, overrides the template settings
  y:      coordinates of the lower left corner of the map field (in mm)
  tpl:    name of the assigned map template
  tmin:   start of the time slice for this map (in time_axis units)
  tmax:   stop of the time slice for this map (in time_axis units)
  file:   file selection
          (1 means: this map will show the first loaded/calculated file, 
           2 means: this map will show the second loaded/calculated file,
           0 means: this map will show the last loaded/calculated file)
  sel:    file selection, overrides file: and the template settings
  y:      coordinates of the lower left corner of the
          map legend color bar(in mm)
  tpl:    name of the assigned map template
  y2:     coordinates of the line end points (in mm)
  l...:   linestyle parameters
  ang:    opening angle of the arrow head triangle (in degrees)
  len:    length of the arrow head triangle (in mm)
  y:      coordinates of the text origin point (in mm)
  txt:    text string to be drawed
  t...:   textstyle parameters
  y:      lower left corner of the illustration field (in mm)
  w:      width of the illustration field (in mm)
  h:      height of the illustration field (in mm); unspecified means
          fixed scale, height is computed from width and the EPS file 
          bounding box
  rot:    rotation angle for the included illustration (in deg); 
          unspecified means 0 or -90 (%%Orientation: Landscape)
  name:   name of a strictly conforming EPS file

EEP 3.1 - MPI/ANT(eeprobe@ant-software.nl), 13.07.1999
Copyright © 1996-99 Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. All rights reserved.
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