avraverage - SAS Export

The SAS data export is controlled by additional entries in the avraverage configuration as listed below. The -a or -s command line switches can be used select only one part - normal grand averaging or SAS data export - when a configuration file has both parts.

; SAS output part -------------------------------------------

[SAS output format]
scrambled                ; .raw files (default)
;natural                 ; .tab files

[SAS output]
WindowAverages           ; real window averages  (*.raw or *.tab)
;NormWindowAverages       ; z - standardization   (*_n.raw or *_n.tab)
                          ; NOT RECOMMENDED !!!

[SAS windows]
100..300..500..700             ; both lines are equivalent
;100..300, 300..500, 500..700

; this section defines the channel subset for raw data output
; and (optional) new channel labels for SAS output
; (all SAS channel labels should 
;    have the same number of characters, 
;    start with a letter,
;    are max. 4 characters long)

[SAS channels]
F5, FZ, F6, EOGV = Ev, EOGH = Eh

; this section defines the condition subset for raw data output
; and (optional) new condition shortcuts for SAS output
; (all SAS condition labels should 
;    have the same number of characters, 
;    are max. 2 characters long)

[SAS conditions]
1 = Pp, 2 = Ww

; to create command files which read .raw files
[SAS command file]
7 2662 39 112 rf ; 0 0 0 sco F2_100