ns2riff - NeuroScan SynAmps EEG Import


EEP 3.1  Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience 1996-99
ns2riff 3.10   (OSF1 V4.0 alpha)              Wed Sep 15 13:30:10 1999
  ns2riff [-t] <source cnt> <source cnt> ...  <dest cnt>

  -t   write header information table(s) only, no conversion


ns2riff converts NeuroScan SynAmps EEG records in the compressed EEP 3.x data format (loss-free compression to approx. 1/3 of the original size). Multiple files can be concatenated if their channel setup is the same.

The parts of the original file are transformed as follows:

NeuroScan binary header
is copied from the first source file to the destination file; this block is unused in EEP 3.x, it's archived only
signal data
are compressed; all sources are concatenated
trigger table
ns2riff converts the triggers received via the 8-bit parallel SynAmps trigger port and the special marks for record start/stop and DC-reset which are generated by the Acquire program.

Not converted are the "Keyboard" and "Keypad" events (never used here).

EEP 3.1 - MPI/ANT(eeprobe@ant-software.nl), 15.09.1999
Copyright © 1996-99 Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. All rights reserved.