eep2riff - EEP 2.0 Format Import


EEP 3.1  Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience 1996-99
eep2riff 3.10   (OSF1 V4.0 alpha)             Wed Sep 15 13:30:11 1999
  eep2riff <source cnt> [<dest cnt>]

  foo.cnt  ->  fooc.cnt


eep2riff converts (uncompressed) EEP 2.0 cnt-files (generated by "ns2eep") in the compressed EEP 3.x format. Altough EEP 3.x can deal with EEP 2.0 files, it is highly recommended to have the data in their compressed form.

The parts of the original file are transformed as follows:

EEP 2.0 binary header
is copied from the source file to the destination file; this block is unused in EEP 3.x, it's archived only
signal data
are compressed; control informations are extracted from the signal block (see below)
trigger table
ns2eep converts all trigger bytes which are different from 0 (zero) and the DISCONTINUITY and DC_RESET flags.

Not converted are the EEP 2.0 FILTER-ARTIFACT flags.

rejection flags
are concatenated to epochs and written as ASCII-files (*.rej).

EEP 3.1 - MPI/ANT(, 15.09.1999
Copyright © 1996-99 Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. All rights reserved.