avrretrieve - ASCII Export of ERP Dataset Information



EEP 3.1  Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience 1996-99
avrretrieve 3.1   (OSF1 V4.0 alpha)           Wed Sep 15 13:30:28 1999
  avrretrieve <cfg> <output file> [options]

  -P [<dir>]   scan directory <dir> for present subjects/conditions
               (do not use the files listed in the <cfg>)
  -F <regex>   use only <regex> matching filenames in the directory scan
  -S <length>  subject code length for directory scan
  --cfg        write the directory scan results as configuration file

  --mean       retrieve window averages
  --min        retrieve (smallest local) window minima
  --max        retrieve (largest local) window maxima
  --gmin       retrieve global window minima
  --gmax       retrieve global window maxima

  --bsl        retrieve mean baseline values
  --count      retrieve accepted/total trial count

Configuration File

; Example configuration file for avrretrieve

; the input .avr filenames are built from the template
; by expandig "&t" with the condition code and "&s" with 
; the subject code below

[filename template]

; condition codes to build the .avr filenames ("&t")

; subject codes to build the .avr filenames ("&s")

; channel subset selection
; comment out this section to select the largest common channel subset

; window 
;100..300, 300..500, 500..700 ; both notations are equivalent


Performing a study using the EEP software results in one or more four-dimensional ERP datasets (subject * condition * channel * time). Each dataset consists of several two-dimensional matrix files(*.avr files) containing a (channel * time) matrix. These files are stored in a directory tree which naming conventions encode the (subject * condition) dimensions of the study.

avrretrieve gives you access to such datasets, allows selection in all dimensions and, as the name suggests, allows to retrieve selected information from the dataset. The retrieved information is written in plain ASCII to allow the import in whatever application you prefer for your subsequent processing steps.

Retrievable Information

window average for each subject/condition/channel/window
window minimum/maximum and its latency for each subject/condition/channel/window; strikly spoken, the "largest/smallest local maximum/minimum within the window" is retrieved - it is possible that no such value exist (in monotonous signals) and an error message occurs
global window minimum/maximum and its latency for each subject/condition/channel/window
mean baseline compensation value for each subject/condition/channel; requires the .bsl files from the cntaverage run
accepted/total number of trials for each subject/condition
produce the [subjects] and [conditions] sections of a configuration file according to the results of a directory scan; requires the -P option and friends

The options --mean, --max, --min, --gmax, --gmin might be combined. Each option enables additional column(s) in the output table.

The options --bsl, --count and --cfg must be used exclusive.


The output file foo.tab, produced by
avrretrieve foo.cfg foo.tab --mean --min
could look like
subj cond chan  win          mean         ymin         tmin  
pi01 Pp   F5    -0148..-0100 -6.24072e-01 -8.18361e-01 -0.123
pi01 Pp   F5    -0100..+0100  1.77407e+00 -9.34474e-01  0.050
pi01 Pp   FZ    -0148..-0100 -9.32307e-02 -1.48055e+00 -0.140
pi01 Pp   FZ    -0100..+0100  9.77079e-01  2.24657e+00  0.068

The output file foo.tab, produced by

avrretrieve foo.cfg foo.tab --count 
could look like
subj cond total accept
pi01 Pp     90   42
pi01 Pw    120   66
pi02 Pp     90   33
pi02 Pw    120    5

EEP 3.1 - MPI/ANT(eeprobe@ant-software.nl), 15.09.1999
Copyright © 1996-99 Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience. All rights reserved.